Reports: Jordan to Buy Water from Israel

Jordan is to buy water from Israel in a bid to ease shortages in the country, the Middle East Monitor reported on Thursday, citing Jordan media.

Jordanian Minister of Water and Irrigation Mohammed Al-Najjar explained the government will not expropriate land on which illegal wells have been sunk.

“Many wells are located in remote areas,” Al-Najjar was quoted as saying by the Jordan News. “If they had been close to the water networks, though, we would have taken possession of them.”

Al-Najjar also noted that the water in many of those wells does not conform to the official minimum specifications. “There is no water source that we can exploit unless we have obtained permission from the Ministry of Health.”

Last November, hundreds of people gathered in Amman to protest a water-for-energy agreement between Jordan and Israel.

Protesters rejected the agreement, saying it moved towards normalizing ties with Israel while it continues to occupy Palestine.

Source: The Palestine Chronicle

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